
Task 1: Distances

The questions below ask you to make the path of the marble as long as possible.
If the marble rolls over 16 squares, the distance is 16.

Question 1. Use three rubber bands and make the path as long as possible. Which distance does your marble roll?
Question 2. Now use four rubber bands. How many squares is your longest path?
Question 3. With five rubber bands you can make a path of 32 squares. Try it. The question we ask is a bit harder: how long is the longest path you can make with six rubber bands?
Question 4. With seven rubber bands you can make complicated paths. How long is yours?
Question 5. With eight rubber bands we could find a path of 50. How long is your path?
Question 6. Now with nine rubber bands. Which distance can you find?
Question 7. Maybe you noticed already that the distance is always an even number. Explain why the distance always has to be even.
Question 8. Now use ten rubber bands; we could not find a longer path than the path with nine rubber bands. How long is your path?
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