Synthetic biology: What is possible and advisable?
A lesson module about (the desirability of) synbio applications
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Before this lesson module pupils should have completed the following themes: - Genetics - DNA - Biotechnology (pupils should be familiar with techniques such as recombinant DNA technology). In this module pupils are supported in forming an opinion about synbio. They learn what synbio is and what its possibilities are. They will also, working in groups, work on an application of synbio and give a whole-class presentation. The module ends with a dialogue on the advisability of the applications. Over the course of the module the pupils apply their knowledge of gene expression and regulation.
inform, opinion forming, awareness raising

Miranda Overbeek, Marie-Christine Knippels, Dirk Jan Boerwinkel, Liesbeth de Bakker, Vera Weetzel

Target group
secondary education, teachers

Type of material

Materials: lesson


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