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Attempting to Change the Geometry Curriculum in South
Africa: A Project in the Western Cape Province

Jansie Niehaus

Introduction and background

REMESA Project

REMESA is the acronym for REalistic Mathematics Education for South Africa, a project started by a partnership between the universities of The Western Cape, in South Africa, and Utrecht, in The Netherlands. The aim of the project is to develop and research a contextually-based curriculum, through a developmental process involving in-service education of teachers and classroom trials of materials. The philosophy informing REMESA's work is that of the Freudenthal Institute of the University of Utrecht, which is known by the term `realistic mathematics education'. (See Freudenthal, 1968, 1973, Gravemeijer, 1994, Streefland 1988, and Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 1996, for descriptions of this philosophy).

Similar developmental research to that which has confirmed the usefulness of the `realistic mathematics education' approach, in The Netherlands, the USA, and other countries, needs to be carried out in South Africa under local conditions. Contexts have to be identified locally, which are best suited for classroom mathematization.

The state of education in South Africa

In my country we are still struggling with unsatisfactory teaching conditions, including classes that are too large particularly in black schools. The education bureaucracy is undergoing a gradual restructuring process, across the barriers previously formed by Apartheid policies. Although policies to rationalize the provision of school education, and to correct previous inequalities, are somewhat controversial, in the Western Cape, at any rate, the National Ministry of Education has generally laudable intentions and aims. As expressed in the `Education White Paper1' of November 1995, for example, it aims for `New education and training policies to address the legacies of underdevelopment and inequitable development and provide opportunities for all....'.

Of particular interest for mathematics education is a document of The Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, dated January 1996, (South Africa's Green Paper on Science and Technology Preparing for the 21st Century). It asserts that school level mathematics and science education are particularly important (p 7879), and that research development, technology education, and the promotion of innovation in general, are critical for the country's development and future (see Chapter 3 in particular).

Apartheid policies have left us with a need for capacity building in all spheres, not least in that of mathematics education. For the moment the National Education Department is concentrating on building capacity for the management of schools (Education White Paper2 of February 1996: section 4), which is seen, correctly, as a prerequisite for quality education to take place. Building the capacity of teachers in particular subjects has to receive attention, and will demand much time and hard work before the quality of teaching is satisfactory.

The official curriculum in Mathematics

In mathematics, an interim national core curriculum has been adopted by the National Department of Education. The aims of the curriculum have been newly formulated, in line with the aspirations of the new state, for example: `to encourage democratic, nonracial and nonsexist teaching practice' (2.1.4), and `to develop independent, confident and self-critical citizens' (2.2.1).

This curriculum document could be improved. The syllabus itself was written according to a paradigm of knowledge and education which is questionable, and inconsistent with the newly expressed aims. Furthermore, there should probably be more variation in future mathematics curricula to accommodate different


One opportunity which exists for improving the curriculum document, is that each of the nine provinces can formulate their own version of the curriculum (without omitting anything from the core). Thus the topics can be rearranged so as to make more sense didactically, and the core can be annotated with explanations and suggestions. The `final interim' curriculum of the Western Cape Province e.g. is due to be finalized in July this year. In the meantime a series of open workshops were held to allow as much participation as possible. In the Western Cape, I think the process of finalizing the curriculum document is thus more open to participation, and more transparent, than before.

Over the past year, also in the Western Cape, the professional association of mathematics educators, AMESA, has been involved in an in-service education initiative for Junior Secondary Mathematics teachers, in collaboration with the Provincial Education Department. This initiative gave all the junior secondary teachers in the province the opportunity to attend a 16 hour course on the "new approach" involving greater learner participation, and less mechanistic teaching of the subject. The initiative is regarded as successful, and it is hoped it might serve as a valuable pilot study for similar projects in future in other parts of the country. Teachers (about 1000) who participated were given the opportunity to contribute to adapting the interim curriculum, while hopefully gaining insight into the changes in classroom practice now expected of them.

Thus far the background, against which the rest of this paper should be seen...

`The' Mathematics Curriculum?

One should bear in mind that there is never such a thing as `one single' curriculum - there are always at least two: the implemented and the attained (as distinguished in Travers (1986)). This study also designated a third, namely the `intended', curriculum, i.e. the curriculum as planned by the educational system.

The `implemented curriculum' is always determined by the interpretations of individual teachers. In South Africa, it is still also partly determined by the intentions of a previous political order.

The `intended curriculum' is designed and/or ratified by the National and Provincial Education Departments. There are however, many variations of the `intended curriculum' in South Africa. Besides the nine official curriculum documents, everyone has their own ideal of what the curriculum should be.

Curriculum change should involve all three these types of curriculum. The official intended curriculum is in the process of being adapted somewhat at the moment, and could still change substantially in the next few years. This depends on the power relationships of those who have strong opinions on what the intended curriculum should be. The implemented curriculum depends as always on teachers themselves, but also on teacher education, including in-service education. To get the implemented curriculum to change is much harder, as it involves persuading most teachers of the need to change. It can also involve a change of behavior for teachers, which might be difficult to effect after years of teaching in certain ways. The very existence of a changed official curriculum is mostly a necessary but not sufficient, condition for change in the classroom. Proof that the attained curriculum improves with a change in implemented curriculum, should help teachers with the process of change.

Negotiating the official curriculum

It is an essentially political process to finalize an official curriculum document. Whether such process involves appointing someone, or a committee, to draft it, or whether it involves broader consultation, in the end it has to be acceptable to the state. As such, it would tend to reflect the concerns of the current government. The process itself can involve various interests competing for their share of influence.

Nick Taylor and Phillip Methula have this to say about the adoption of an official curriculum document: `Legislation is a move to closure, a delegitimisation of contending interpretations in favor of one approved version...' (Taylor (1993) p 316). This is inevitable.

In the Western Cape Province, the official annotation of the curriculum will have been drafted by a team of people consisting of volunteers with a strong interest in the curriculum, from each of the three universities, a few teachers, and the education department. At the in-service courses that were held early this year, (referred to above) comments from and involvement of teachers, were invited. Anyone interested to be involved had the opportunity to join this process. However the Education Department bears final responsibility for the document, and the process that was set up to draft it. What makes this relative openness possible and desirable, I believe, is the ethos of the new political dispensation which promotes the values of greater transparency and accountability to the public. It is also to the credit of the individuals involved.

The link between the official and other `intended' curricula:

The in-service course of the partnership between AMESA and the Western Cape Education Department, is an interesting example of how the `intended' curriculum is no longer a straightforward matter for us in South Africa. The 16 hour course for teachers was based on the first draft of the officially intended curriculum. In the process of designing this course, the team (also a voluntary one, overlapping with the curriculum team described above) inevitably interpreted and created a new intended curriculum. Furthermore, the about sixty pairs of presenters each had some freedom, within certain criteria, to select activities from those in the printed materials provided, and design their own course, so we had sixty different `intended curricula'.

REMESA, while accepting and participating in the Western Cape formulation of the official curriculum, and in presenting these in-service courses held by the partnership, has a particular ideal, which it is in the process of developing and researching. In our case, we negotiate with the teachers of project schools to implement our `intended curriculum'. They are allowed the freedom to create their own version which they regard as implementable. The pupils, as always, attain certain parts and variations of this implemented curriculum.

What we are in the process of recording, are:

This year, we have decided to concentrate mainly on geometry for standard 6 (pupils of about 13 years old). In our planning we have taken account of the teachers' perceived duty to cover the official syllabus in their lessons. Thus some of the ideas we offer them are alternative ways to present the syllabus content, and others are, for the teachers, completely new, although related, topics. It is significant, then, that our `intended curriculum' is reshaped by the teachers. As any curriculum innovation stands or falls with the teachers' willingness and ability to implement it effectively, we want to see what activities and ideas are implementable from the point of view of a small, representative group of teachers. Teachers have to reconstruct the intended curriculum for themselves, otherwise they will not implement it with conviction, and it will not lead to effective pupil learning.

Motivation to change teaching practice

To change the implemented curriculum in any of the ways intended by mathematics education projects in the Western Cape, is a difficult and costly process, because it involves a substantial amount of `persuasion' to get practitioners to question their practice of many years. As Taylor and Methula say (in Taylor (1993)): "[the] right to canonise is dependent on the degree to which [an] interpretation chimes with popular memory" (p 316). Popular memory has been shaped, not only by the expectations of the political order and years of practice, but also by the teachers' own education, at school and at tertiary level.

Would it help, then, to write the intended curriculum in the form of textbooks and other materials? Yes certainly, but it has still to be interpreted by the teachers themselves, and again, they will tend to only accept what `chimes with popular memory', and continue to teach in the manner they have always taught. As Muller and Taylor put it: `The handing over of the finished products syllabuses and textbooks to the teachers for implementation is based on an epistemology that underlies all forms of authoritarian canonization' ... `Syllabus plus textbook equals curriculum. Curriculum is presumed to be transparent: teachers (and in some instances pupils) should only have to read it for all to be clear...once the knowledge has been extracted from the text, the means of translating this into classroom practice is also supposed to be automatic.' (Taylor (1993) p 321).

The two processes, then, that should be studied concerning curriculum change, are both: the `top-down' process of `legislating' a curriculum, (of which textbooks written in accordance, may be a component) and the `bottom-up' process of teachers evaluating the effectiveness of their own teaching, and demanding support in the process of change. Linking these two processes, are other processes, such a mediation, consultation, facilitating change in the classroom... These latter processes are complex, and they are the task of a variety of education workers, acting as `change agents', some of them teachers themselves, others advisors from the Education Departments, or academics.

The `legislated' curriculum might, somewhat ironically, help to facilitate change in the classroom where teachers are used to obeying directives from an education department. Likewise, textbooks which encourage a new methodology, could assist in the process, (but not stand alone) because the authority of the textbook is seldom questioned. This is a paradox that one should use exaggerated respect for authority to create a questioning culture in the classroom. Such are the types of interesting dilemmas these `facilitation' processes involve.

REMESA's experiences

The REMESA project works closely with the mathematics departments of two schools. We initially tried to persuade the teachers to try (for them) relatively unusual ideas with their classes. It took much discussion to reach any sort of agreement, despite their substantial interest. The main objection was that what we expected was `too time consuming' in the context of all the work in the syllabus that has to be completed. Sometimes the impression was gained that our suggestions appear to be games, the main aim of which is fun. Indeed the only real feedback we could get from the teachers themselves initially, was `the children enjoyed it'. It is heartening that they seemed to see this as sufficient reason to keep cooperating with us, but it was never the main aim. They also still retort, when we urge them to allow children to explore: `These children are not used to exploring'. They are very sceptical of the abilities of the children, and do not believe them capable of more than tiny conceptual leaps (observation of George Schoemaker of the Freudenthal Institute). When they do try some of our ideas, they complain of a slight `discipline' problem, i.e. the children become `excited' (a teacher's description), and are more noisy than usual. The strict discipline with which the teachers are comfortable, clearly inhibits the asking of questions, and allows no interaction among the pupils.

It is understandable that they tend to underestimate what children are capable of, judging only by what can be observed in the restrictive classroom environment. Jan De Lange also relates (p 47, 59) how, in studying mathematization in The Netherlands, it was found that problems that were too `difficult' to solve in classroom conditions, with restricted time, could be solved very satisfactorily for homework. The tendency for adults to use their acquired, formalized knowledge, also plays a role in teachers' perceptions of the level of difficulty of classroom activities. There is an example in De Lange (p 78), where teachers were hindered by their `context-isolated' knowledge of logarithms, from solving a problem which students did not find problematic.

Below are descriptions of lessons or moments in lessons, given to `standard 6' (grade 8) pupils. The lessons were given at the beginning of this year, around the syllabus topics under the heading `Lines and Angles'. The lesson material which we prepared, covered a whole quarter's worth of geometry (one of four sections of the syllabus). A detailed lesson plan was provided, with most lesson suggestions also outlined in some detail. It attempted to integrate `vision geometry' (a realistic mathematics education approach) with the more conventional interpretation, including investigative activities. The whole package was relatively innovative in the sense that the activities were intended to be done in an exploratory way by the pupils themselves. We held an intensive weekend workshop beforehand to provide teachers with the opportunity to work through the activities and discuss them.

Here follow samples from the `Lines and Angles' unit:

1. `Classification of Angles' (cf Lessons 1 and 2, below)

This activity was intended as mere quick revision of previous work, in a new form that would be useful for the vision geometry activities which followed. It involved demonstrating the appearance of different types of angles with one's arms. All the teachers did this lesson, and found it a useful didactical method. Though simple, its value is that it conveys a dynamic concept of angles, which could lead to a definition of angles based on rotation of a line segment. The probability that angles are confused with lines, is also thereby reduced. And the activity makes use of physical movement, so that the kinaesthetic sense is used in addition to that of vision and hearing.

2. The `island' and the `lake': (cf Lesson 2, below)

This was intended as a context for understanding the relationship of angles around a point, as well as the occurrence of reflex angles.

3. Paper folding activities:

Several paper folding activities were included. One of these was intended as an exploration leading to the term `complementary angles', and another to `supplementary angles'. Although the teachers seemed to appreciate paper folding as a new method during the workshop, it was not always successfully implemented in class. Both teachers and children had difficulty carrying out and remembering the folding procedures, although they were simple, and the teachers were annoyed at the amount of lesson time involved in helping the children to do it. My opinion is that part of the purpose of the activity is to master simple paper folding, but the main purpose is the reflecting that should accompany it. If the children spend time mastering the physical action, they are becoming familiar with the context in which the reflection is to be done, and that time is not wasted. However the attitude of the teachers is crucial, so that if this type of activity cannot be implemented with conviction by them, it will fail in the classroom.

I observed a lesson where the teacher gave clear instructions, and from where I sat and observed, all seemed to be going well. When I walked around the class however, the strips of paper had been folded at random, and the pupils had clearly all been calculating supplementary angles in degrees already. They indicated that they thought the activity senseless.

4. Transformations with intersecting lines (cf Lesson 3, below)

This is an activity which was contributed by Mathematics Education Project at the University of Cape Town, to the in-service courses of the AMESA partnership described above. It involves using a transparent sheet of some sort (e.g. an overhead transparency) to investigate the effects of translating and rotating a pair of intersecting lines in the plane. It often comes as a surprise to teachers that these transformations result in parallel lines, and that it seems so obvious from this activity, which angle pairs are equal.

5. Vision geometry activities:

One of these was `A Room with a View'.

The vision geometry activities were perceived by the teachers as being too `time-consuming' and they were postponed to be done later in the year. Thereby perhaps politely indicating that they regarded these activities as just a bit of fun to enrich children's learning. This was disappointing as we had integrated the more familiar with the less familiar activities by design. But indications are that they could have been feeling insecure about their mathematical understanding of these activities, as well as the particular didactical demands involved.

6. `Maps and Postcards':

This was one of the most unusual sections on vision geometry included in the unit. One has to find out through reasoning, where the photographer stood when photographing the scene on the postcard...

Lesson 1, on Classification of Angles

The following lesson was given by a teacher who has started to allow his pupils to formulate their own ideas, while maintaining very strict control. The teacher (let us call him Bob) has a class of 36 pupils. The method was a combination of demonstrating, telling, and asking questions to which the pupils could reply out loud or by writing. He made sure that all pupils participated and knew the terms for classification of angles by the end of the lesson.

Bob started by demonstrating different angles by rotating his forearm at the elbow. The children listened and imitated the movements. He showed them a right angle in this way (his upper arm horizontal, his forearm pointing upwards). Then he wrote on the board: `a right angle = '. The children had to write in their exercise books what they thought a right angle is. He paused long enough for them to write something, then asked a few children to tell their answers. Examples of answers: `90 degrees'; `an angle with 2 sides'; `when a vertical and horizontal line meet'.

Bob took the opportunity of this last reply to make an important point, anticipating the misconception that these angles can only have one particular orientation. He drew a vertical and horizontal line on the board, while conducting a dialogue with the class. He then drew another right angle in a different orientation and asked whether that is still a right angle. Everything he said, was phrased as a question, even when the answer was obvious. (This being a commonly employed technique which holds the pupils' attention very well.)

The rest of the lesson proceeded in a similar way. With each type of angle, Bob asked a question, while demonstrating with his arm, received an answer from the most alert pupils, wrote the term on the board, and each pupil then had to formulate their own definition. Then he walked around, asking for the answers, and reacted to them. He accepted any answer which was not totally incorrect, and gently but firmly corrected incorrect answers. He probably interacted with every child in the class in the course of the lesson.

The pupils worked alone, never getting the opportunity to discuss with a neighbor. Through the reading out of answers, they did get the opportunity to share their versions with the whole class. Everything proceeded in a very orderly way, as seems usual with this teacher's classes, but the children also seemed to enjoy the lesson and paid complete attention.

The pupils had two ways to respond to the question of the definition of each type of angle: calling out, or writing. Interestingly, they seemed to prioritize the writing. They eventually started writing down their definitions without being told, and before they had called out any answer. They knew their teacher would take their written answers seriously, rewarding them with attention. It also seems significant that they had the freedom to find their own words for describing the terms.

The lesson was not only about the names for different types of angles, but also about the skill of classification as a way of organizing concepts. Bob demonstrated clearly that every term refers to a range of different angles, and by asking for their definitions, was allowing the children to classify many different angles into every category, for themselves. Moreover, because of the coherence of the lesson, the children could predict the next question, and already start to answer it. There was thus a level of participation which was not superficially apparent. Some children gave an angle size in degrees instead of a definition. Perhaps Bob could have insisted on a definition, or perhaps the children understood that if all their answers are valid, a general category is involved. I do think that by the end of the lesson most of the children did understand this.

In this lesson, as in the others described here, there are none of the trappings that seem to be fashionable, indicative of `problem solving' or `investigation', i.e. group work or pair work, a fair level of noise, attractive apparatus or worksheets, the pupils left to work on a problem for some time on their own. Yet I believe there was skilful facilitation of learning happening in this classroom.

To assess quickly whether the pupils could recognize the terms, Bob eventually walked through the class, asking each pupil a question, such as `what type of angle is this' or `show me an obtuse angle'. He thus had a fair idea by the end of the lesson, of who had mastered the recognition of angles. Also, from the written aspect of the lesson, he had an impression of the insight various pupils might have, or lack. For me, he demonstrated how to handle a large class in a relatively confined classroom, ensure that most pupils learn something, assess his pupils' knowledge (albeit superficially), and give many of them an opportunity to produce something on their own and that in 50 minutes!

Lesson 2, on Classification of Angles

The following is an example of a teacher who searches for nonmathematical contexts, which might be interesting for the children, with which best to illustrate mathematical concepts.

This teacher (let us call him Sam) invented two models to illustrate angle types, after he did the `arms' lesson: he held up two rulers meeting at an angle. This was particularly useful in the discussion of the `straight' angle he stressed and repeated, that there still has to be an identifiable vertex even where the angle is `straight'. Yet another analogy that he thought of was that when the hands of a watch form a straight line, they are still attached to each other, the vertex remains at exactly the same place.

He then proceeded to reflex angles. The context that he had thought of here, as an alternative to the `island' and `lake' idea, was `Pacman', the computer game that a number of children might be familiar with, and enjoy. Pacman is a character with a circular shape which has a sector missing. This sector varies in size, making it look like a mouth which opens and closes. It is moved over the screen `eating' everything in its path. The teacher referred to the game without further description. Most of the time `Pacman's' mouth forms an acute angle. Having briefly mentioned this, the teacher changed the context brilliantly: `Imagine Pacman is a swimming pool the `inside' is now where the water is a reflex angle is formed at the vertex where we saw an acute angle before.' Another sketch on the board... this time of the fence around a garden:

The teacher said: `Although it looks as though it is outside of the angle, it is still on the inside'. At this point the children appeared uncertain, but none asked a question and Sam did not check whether they understood. Finally we arrived at the concept of `revolution' (360 degree angle). He drew it on the board, with the remark: `This is still the `inside' of my angle!'

This idea of `inside' and `outside' an angle, was inspired by our materials. This teacher invented analogies with which the children would identify, to serve the same conceptual purpose. One problem with this is that Pacman and the swimming pool have nothing in common, whereas the island and lake are both geographical features, which one can imagine as occurring in the same plane. Pacman's mouth changes size all the time (as such it is a good context for angles) but the swimming pool's angle remains fixed. On the other hand, the wide variety of illustrations would have served to encourage generalization, if the teacher had given the pupils a chance to formulate their own descriptions.

The lesson in general took our ideas and attempted to improve on them. Sam had got the message that relating mathematics to the children's everyday lives would serve to motivate and interest them. He also got the message that he himself was expected to be innovative he seemed to think that simply following our ideas would contradict our encouragement in this regard. He presented a variety of contexts to illustrate the concepts indeed the best way to ensure a proper definition. Thus some of the express aims of our work were satisfied by this lesson.

Sam did the demonstration with arms in a horizontal plane, as we had conveyed the idea to the teachers. In classes where the activity was translated to the vertical dimension, there is a danger, as before, of the misconception of regarding only certain orientations of angles as conforming to the definitions. Even Sam drew all his angles on the board with one line segment horizontal, and the angle opening up towards the top of the board. Another teacher who rushed this lesson, did the demonstration in both ways. Although there is nothing wrong with this per se, his pupils got confused when demonstrating the reflex angle, thinking that the elbow always has to be thrust backwards, even when the angles are demonstrated in a vertical plane.

The relative importance that was accorded this topic by all the teachers, out of proportion to its mathematical significance, is a problem of the official curriculum. It creates the impression, especially by the way topics are listed, that knowing the terms are the most important feature of the subject, and that the topics and terms are all equally important. This impression has been reinforced over the years by textbooks, teacher training, and the fact that it is easier to assess knowledge of terms than anything else. The deliberate design of this activity as preparation for other activities, and to prevent misconceptions, seemed mostly lost on the teachers.

Establishing links among different parts of the syllabus, is also discouraged by the fragmented way in which the topics are listed in the syllabus, and these teachers are only beginning to consider covering a few small topics under one theme (e.g. topics related to triangles and parallel lines, via tessellations). A telling detail of Sam's lesson, worth keeping in mind for future discussion with the teachers, was that in the course of revising the types of angles, Sam said: `angles cannot be less than 0 degrees, because 0 is nothing.'...

Nonetheless, the teacher himself demonstrated adaptability, by changing one context into another, and by the creative thoughts that went into planning the lesson. Sam's teaching would benefit from an awareness of anticipating and exploiting apparent contradictions such the `inside/outside of an angle'. Most of all, what is needed is the willingness to let go, to hand over the action of exploration to the pupils themselves, and to give them the opportunity to express their own ideas based on their own intuitions.

Lesson 3: Parallel lines

A third teacher (let us call him Peter) created his own version of the `translations with intersecting lines' activity. This is an example of a lesson in which mild controversy is provoked and managed, leading to increased interest on the part of the pupils.

As with the other two lessons described, Peter uses a didactical method involving dialogue with the whole class. His interaction with the class is not as tightly controlled as that of Bob, and he does allow unpredictable responses from his pupils, in contrast to Sam. Peter received help from myself in planning the lesson, but the manner in which he conducted it, is all his own innovation.

Peter drew two intersecting lines on the board, placed a transparency sheet over them and traced them, using a ruler. Then he `translated' the drawing upwards, along one of the lines. And asked: `What do you notice?' The children did not know what to answer, but seemed to think it must be an easy answer, and shouted out various answers such as: `vertically opposite!', `The lines are straight', `180 degrees!', `The line becomes longer!'

With every attempt, Peter acknowledged the answer, saying `you're right but what else?'

Then he asked: `How many angles are here?'

`8', they said.

This gave them a hint somehow, and someone shouted: `corresponding angles!'

That was what he wanted.

Peter: `What other pairs of angles do you see?'

Many children now seemed to remember the other names for angle pairs associated with this type of sketch.

The next question, and the dialogue that follows, were improvised by Peter as he went along.

Peter: `If I shift it here, do I get the same pairs?' (translating the sketch along another line.)

There were a variety of responses...

Peter: `Who says `Yes'? Who says `No'?...'

A pupil shouted `who says maybe!'

Peter: `Who says `maybe'?'

It turned out that most of the class was unsure.

He demonstrated further, to resolve the conflict.

Peter: `Are there other corresponding pairs? How many corresponding pairs?'

Class: `2'

He demonstrated and the class counted with him. (Generally the class was paying close attention, which is not always the case with this teacher.)

Gradually the class became convinced that there were in fact 4 pairs.

Peter: `Are you sure there are 4?'

Peter did the same with the alternate and cointerior angles, where it was clearer that there were only 2 pairs each.

Peter then went on to demonstrate rotation, asking: `What do you notice?'

`Alternate angles!' they said.

This time they knew what he was after.

Peter: `Are these 2 angles the same?'

Class: `Yes'

Peter: `Why are they the same?...'

He gave the explanation himself, but the fact that he did ask `Why', and paused, was very significant not only in the context of the predominant ways of teaching (as can be seen from lessons 1 and 2) but also in the context of his own teaching. His explanation moreover, was very visual, and appealed to intuition rather than verbal reasoning. It was interesting that the activity seemed to urge him to explain in such an unusual way.

Peter: `Do we have corresponding angles?'

Class: `Yes'

Peter: `Vertically opposite angles?'

Class: `Yes'

Peter: `Adjacent supplementary angles?'

(Again improvising)

Class: `No' (or unsure)

Peter picked up on this doubt and asked `who says `yes', `no', `unsure'?...'

Only one child said yes. Even after he pointed in the sketch to 2 adjacent supplementary angles, saying `here is a straight line', they were still not convinced. (Evidence that one of the previous lessons with paper folding was unsuccessful.)

Pater: `Well I will tell you the answer: there are adjacent supplementary angles.'

He left it at that.

Peter generated interest in this mathematics lesson by getting the children to have an opinion. It is perhaps the beginning of what Alan Schoenfeld refers to as a `mathematical community' in the classroom (1989, p 16). The pupils are encouraged to make simple reasoned conjectures, and in this case, compete through a kind of `voting' procedure. Peter, in contrast to the other teachers, dares to ask open-ended questions, like `what do you notice?' and accepts a number of answers to these.


Curriculum change has to happen at all levels, to the official intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum, and the ways in which the attained curriculum is assessed. The greatest challenge lies with facilitating change in the implemented curriculum. Ongoing in-service work seems to be the only way of effecting lasting change, but is time consuming and costly. It is not enough for teachers to be convinced of the virtues of realistic mathematics education they also have to have a sound enough mathematical background to understand the potential of the classroom activities, and they have to learn to allow pupils to think for themselves. The method of conducting a dialogue with the class does not appear necessarily to prevent mathematical reflection or learning, although real problem solving which takes time, cannot be practised if the pauses after the questions posed are not long enough. It is not so much a question of method, as it is of `timing'.

Indications for the official curriculum

Our observations indicate that the syllabus should be structured, and formulated, in a way which encourages the process of mathematical reflection in the classroom, and the relating of topics to a broader mathematical context. The syllabus should contain less topics so that more time is spent reflecting and discussing. Suggestions of how topics can be integrated, would be useful, so that the impression is not created that the syllabus has to be taught in the linear order in which it is written. Algebra and geometry should be integrated in some sections. At the moment the topics selected for the syllabus are based on consideration of mathematics as a formal structure. A selection of topics which are relatively more suitable for relating to practical applications, and for mathematization by pupils, should be made, for priority inclusion in the syllabus.


The Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (Western Cape Region) (1995). Geometry Inservice Curriculum Materials. Nasionale Book Printers Group, Goodwood.

Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology (1996). South Africa's Green Paper on Science and Technology Preparing for the 21st Century. January 1996.

Department of Education (1995). `Education White Paper1'. Pretoria, November 1995.

Department of Education (1996). `Education White Paper2, General Notice, Notice 130 of 1996, The Organisation, Governance and Funding of Schools'. Pretoria, February 1996.

De Lange, J. (1887). Mathematics Insight and Meaning, Teaching Learning and Testing of Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences. Vakgroep Onderzoek Wiskundeonderwijs en Onderwijscomputercentrum, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.

Freudenthal, H. (1968). `Why to Teach Mathematics so as to be Useful'. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 1, 38.

Freudenthal, H. (1973). `Geometry Between the Devil and the Deep Sea. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 3, 413435.

Gravemeijer, K.P.E. (1994) Developing Realistic Mathematics Education (Doctoral dissertation). Utrecht: CDbeta Press / Freudenthal Institute.

Schoenfeld, A.H. (1989). Reflections on Doing and Teaching Mathematics, Paper presented at a conference "Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving", Berkeley, CA, December 1989.

Streefland, L. (1988). Realistisch breukenonderwijs (Dissertatie). Utrecht: OW&OC, Utrecht University.

Taylor, N. (1993). Inventing Knowledge: Contests in Curriculum Construction. Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town.

Travers, K.J. (1986). Second International Mathematics Study Detailed Report for the United States, Stipes Publishing Company, Champaign, Illinois.

Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (1996). Assessment and Realistic Mathematics Education. Utrecht University, Utrecht.

Western Cape Education Department (1996). Draft Syllabus for Mathematics, Standards 5 to 7. Unpublished.

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